Monday, 13 October 2008

Workshop catch up

Before noting recent events I will just share with you the outcome from a workshop that I attended at the Winchester Discovery Centre. I was going to say new but realise it has been open for nearly a year now. One of the centre pieces of this revamped and "souped" up library (which is that and more - gallery space, performance space and so on) is a large embroidery hanging in the cafe by Alice Kettle. The workshop held at the centre was led by Alice herself - I leapt at the opportunity when C told me about it.

The day started off with us all introducing ourselves: we were a good mix of ex C&G, textile students and other enthusiasts. There was a lot to do in the hours we had. So we started with various drawing exercises. As I hadn't sketched for a while I was a little cautious and not overly enamoured of my results. This didn't matter however as we were then encouraged to tear, cut or manipulate our sketches in order to develop a collage:

Drawing and Collage

We didn't have a huge amounts of time to develop the collage but limited time meant that I couldn't procrastinate (too much). We then looked at various hand stitched to consider trying out - prompted from our collages. It was a huge treat to look (and touch) some of the samples that Alice brought along. It was a further treat when we got to dig around in the fabrics and threads she brought along for us to develop our stitching.

From the collage that I created earlier I wanted to develop the wave and movement and chose to do this in a simple running stitch. My final stitching sample didn't bear much relation with my collage. My collage was a good jumping off point though.

Running Stitch Sample

I thoroughly enjoyed my day stitching with C and learning from Alice. Any more workshops would be well worth following up.

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